Nobody wants to lose a tooth. While permanent teeth often last a lifetime, sometimes the removal of a tooth is the best course of action for your oral health.
Also known as dental extractions or exodontia, a tooth extraction is a relatively routine dental procedure where a tooth is removed from the alveolar bone. The most common reasons for tooth extraction are a crowded mouth, lack of room for wisdom teeth, preparing for orthodontic treatment, infections, and trauma or injury to the tooth.
Wisdom tooth extraction usually occurs during early adulthood, between the ages of 17 and 25, and they often need to be removed for the following reasons:
In the majority of cases, wisdom teeth come in at a wrong angle and will have deep periodontal pockets. The best time for wisdom tooth extraction is during the teenage years when recovery is easier for the body. Once it is determined that tooth extraction is the best option, your dentist will perform an X-ray to view the tooth’s location and determine the best method for pulling it.
Before a tooth extraction, the oral surgeon will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area. At Greater Atlanta Oral Facial Surgery, you can feel comfortable knowing that we have a state-of-the-art anesthesia machine and certified OS anesthesia assistance.
If you need multiple teeth extracted or if the tooth is impacted, the surgeon will use a strong general anesthetic or dental sedation to put you to sleep through the procedure. In both cases, you won’t be able to feel anything, but with just local anesthesia, you may hear the surgeon working or feel pressure in your mouth.
After the tooth extraction, the oral surgeon will pack gauze into the socket and have you gently bite down to stop the bleeding. Stitches, usually self-dissolving, may then be required to close the wound.
Tooth extraction is normally very safe and the recovery period is short, leaving you feeling normal within only a few days or even a few hours in some cases. But as it is a surgery, always follow your oral surgeon’s advice for a speedier recovery.
Having said that, here are some general tips to speed up your recovery time and ease your discomfort after a tooth extraction:
Three out of every four adults will experience the need for a tooth extraction in their lifetime, so the process doesn’t need to be scary. If you feel like you need a tooth extraction in Atlanta, visit us online or give us a call to schedule a consultation today.
Let our dental professionals walk you through the tooth extraction process and make your experience as easy and painless as possible.