When your mouth hurts, it’s hard to focus on anything else, and in a lot of cases, you need to get emergency dental care. To help you through these situations, take a look at this brief guide for getting an emergency dentist in Atlanta.
If you have a toothache or if you sustain an injury to your mouth, you may need to schedule an appointment with an emergency dentist. In other cases, you can stabilize the situation at home and get to the dentist in the next few days. If you are experiencing any of the following issues, contact an emergency dentist right away:
When you have a knocked out tooth, you need to get emergency dental care as soon as possible so the dentist can replace the tooth in the socket. Similarly, if you have extensive swelling, a fever, or other signs of infection, you need to see an emergency dentist so they can prescribe antibiotics to prevent the infection from spreading.
Not sure if you need emergency help in Atlanta? Then, contact your dentist or emergency room and speak to a dental or medical professional.
In some cases, the emergency dentist may advise you to wait for a few days. While you wait for your appointment, you can take numerous steps to make yourself comfortable at home. To reduce the pain, you may want to use a combination of ice packs, over-the-counter pain medication, and topical pain relievers.
With ice packs, just place them on your cheek as near as you can get to the source of the pain. Then, take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to dull the pain. Ask your doctor if you can rotate these two pain killers. For example, take ibuprofen every four hours and acetaminophen every six hours to enhance their effect. Finally, apply an oral numbing agent such as Orajel to your gums near the tooth.
You may also want to gargle with a mixture of salt and warm water. That helps to kill germs and can bring some relief. Some people also feel better when they brush or floss the affected tooth. If there is food or debris in a broken tooth, that can exacerbate the pain, but brushing can remove the debris.
In addition to helping with the issues outlined above, emergency dentists can also help with lost fillings, broken crowns, damaged retainers, and dull toothaches. These professionals do everything a traditional dentist does and more.
The best way to prevent dental emergencies is with preventative care and proper oral hygiene. Additionally, when you notice a toothache, get help as soon as possible. If you ignore the issue, the problem can spread, making it larger and potentially leading to an abcess or a painful infection.
To reach an emergency dentist, contact Greater Atlanta Oral Facial Surgery today. We are an oral and maxillofacial dental office with two convenient locations in the Atlanta area. We can help you with dental emergency services, maxillofacial surgeries, and a range of general dentistry procedures.