If you’re missing several teeth, partial or full dentures may be the answer. When considering dentures, it’s important to remember that they have changed a lot over the years. The dentures that you remember your grandparents wearing back in the day are nothing like modern dentures. Now, dentures are more advanced and more comfortable than ever before. They also look so natural that no one will ever know you have them. Here’s what you need to know if you are considering dentures.
There are a range of different types of dentures, and you may see them referred to by different names as you do your research. Full dentures are dentures that replace all the teeth in your mouth. They go on both the top and bottom of your mouth, and there are held together by the bony ridges beneath your gums.
For an even tighter fit, there are snap-on dentures. With this option, the oral surgeon puts small implant posts in your mouth. Those protrude just a little bit, and your full-mouth dentures snap into place on them.
There are also partial dentures. These can be removable dentures that have a wire bracket that fits over your existing teeth, or they can be permanent dentures. Permanent partial dentures are sometimes called bridges, and they often connect to your other teeth via crowns or to your jaw bone with implants.
Getting dentures is a multi-step process. It always starts with a consultation to cover your options. If you need to have teeth extracted, that’s the next step. Then, the dentist takes a mold of your mouth or uses digital imaging software. That tells the lab exactly how to make the dentures.
When the dentures are ready, you come to the office to get them fitted. Then, you may return to make adjustments as needed. In some cases, dentists offer you temporary dentures for the time between your initial appointment and the day when the actual dentures are ready.
If you have removable dentures, you need to take them out at the end of every day. Then, you need to clean and soak them. If the dentures break or get chipped, it’s critical to return to the dentist and have them repaired. When dentures are damaged, they don’t fit in your mouth properly, and that can lead to abrasions on your gums, discomfort, or difficulty eating or talking.
With the right care, dentures tend to last five to eight years. However, depending on your lifestyle, they may last longer or for a shorter amount of time. To safeguard your oral health, you should plan to replace your dentures as needed.
Ready for dentures? Want to learn more? Then, contact Greater Atlanta Oral and Facial Surgery for more information today. We can answer your questions and help you set up an appointment. In addition to dentures, we offer a range of oral surgeries and treatments for patients.