Greater Atlanta Oral Facial Surgery


Tooth Extraction in Atlanta

Following your tooth extraction at Greater Atlanta Oral Facial Surgery, your jaw surgeon will consult with you about the recovery process so you will know what to expect after your appointment.


Immediately after your tooth extraction, it is critical that a blood clot form to start the healing process. As a result, your jaw surgeon will advise you to place a gauze pad on the affected area following your appointment so the clot can form. Based on the amount of bleeding you experience, you may need to replace the gauze a few times and maintain a firm hold before the blood clot appears.

Once the blood clot forms, it is essential that you do not dislodge or disturb it in the 72 hours following your tooth extraction. Abstain from smoking, drinking, sucking on straws and vigorously brushing or rinsing around the affected area after your appointment to maintain the integrity of your blood clot.


It is common to experience swelling in the 48 hours after your tooth extraction. Apply ice and cold compresses to your cheeks and face to reduce the puffiness.


To manage moderate pain and discomfort following your tooth extraction, take over the counter medications like Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen. For severe pain, use pain medication as prescribed by your jaw surgeon.


Your jaw surgeon will give you antibiotics to take after your tooth extraction. It is paramount that you use the entire recommended dosage to prevent infection and other complications that could hinder the recovery process.

Dental Hygiene

You should engage in your regular dental hygiene routine in the 24 hours following your tooth extraction including daily brushing and flossing. Just be sure to avoid accidentally dislodging your blood clot so that you can heal properly.


Your jaw surgeon will encourage you to stay hydrated and recommend that you eat softer foods to prevent discomfort after your tooth extraction. You will be able to resume your normal diet as soon as you feel comfortable and ready to do so.


Limit arduous activity or exercise 24 hours after your tooth extraction to prevent severe bleeding or a rise in your blood pressure. You should be able to resume normal activity in the two to three days following your appointment.


Should you experience any severe pain or discomfort, heavy bleeding, swelling or adverse reactions to any medications or antibiotics three days after your tooth extraction, contact your jaw surgeon for further instructions.

The professionals at Greater Atlanta and Oral Facial Surgery will use their specialized skills to perform a successful tooth extraction to admonish your pain and help you regain your beautiful smile.

Contact us to schedule a consultation.

Two Convenient Locations

New Patients: (404) 410-1070
Existing Patients: (404) 937-3880

Monday - Saturday: 7am - 5pm

3833 Roswell Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30342

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New Patients: (404) 476-3667
Existing Patients: (404) 433-8433

Monday - Saturday: 7am - 5pm

425 Peachtree Parkway, Cumming, GA 30041

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